But this was definately one of the better ones. There were still sections that were typical of Harlequin romances it seems, or at least the ones I've read recently. While there was a definate romance (it is a Harlequin after all), the way I read it almost put the romance as secondary to the story line. It wasn't easy, but what was back then? If it had been easy then I would not be giving this book 4 stars.A book worth reading for the historical part. This is not just a romance, but a story of people considered lower for no reasonn but their gender and race, stood up to the status quo and made a change. It showed a time where women were though little of, and immigrants even less.and if you were a female immigrant.well you were pretty much nothing. The situations in the book revolved around problems that really did exist in the "wild wild west". Will he help her, or will her plans blow away in the wind?I admire the way ] really brought the west to life. Her only hope lies in Will Crockett (such a great Western name I think). Not only that, but she is stuck in a frontier town with no oney, no house and no way home.

She arrives in America expecting to help her father, only to arrive too late and find him dead. IT IS A VIOLATION PUNISHABLE UNDER LAW FOR ANY PERSON UNDER THE AGE OF TWENTY-ONE TO PRESENT ANY WRITTEN EVIDENCE OF AGE WHICH IS FALSE, FRAUDULENT OR NOT ACTUALLY HIS/HER OWN FOR THE PURPOSE OF ATTEMPTING TO PURCHASE ANY ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE.Kate Dennington is an Irish immigrant with a big problem on her hands. Any person under the age of twenty-one years or.No person shall sell or give away any alcoholic beverages to: Praise for Debra Lee Brown's previous titles Gold Rush Bride Debra Lee Brown's traditional romance captures the era's excitement and excess in lively. We reserve the right to refuse delivery of wine or liquor for any reason.ĪCCORDING TO THE SURGEON GENERAL, WOMEN SHOULD NOT DRINK ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES DURING PREGNANCY BECAUSE OF THE RISK OF BIRTH DEFECTS.Wines and spirits are sold by KSSWINE LLC, d/b/a Parcelle Wines, License #1302013, 509-511 W38TH ST, NY, NY 10018.Your credit card will be charged separately for wine and liquor under "Parecell Wines LLC".Parcelle Wines LLC, and Baldor Transportation LLC are separate companies.Restocking charges of 15% of your order may also apply. If proper identification is not available at the time of delivery, your delivery will be refused and you will be charged a delivery attempt fee of $5.95.The person receiving the delivery must present proper age verification and will be required to sign. You must be 21 years of age to order wine or liquor.

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