I would recommend this book to anyone in a teenage age group, is very adventurous, and likes extremely realistic fiction.

As I envisioned it, I would live by a waterfall in the woods and catch fish on hooks made from forks of tree limbs as I has been taught by my father." (Page ix in Author's Preference)"I packed my suitcase and told my mother I was going to run away form home. I believe Sams message was always live life to the fullest, but to a certain extent. Over his year long journey, Sam encounters many different struggles, and other things in the wilderness, and meets several new people along the way. His father had always told him about his grandfathers land, and Sam knew it was time to go find it, and leave the loud, packed, and stressful city. Sam is a 12 year old teenage boy from New York City. In the realistic fiction book, My Side of The Mountain, by Jean Craighead George, that's exactly what the main character Sam Gribley does. Imagine- Leaving your home for an entire year, to live off the land. It was great book and I recommend it for all. I think it was a good idea to have the last book more about frightful, you learn more about her. How she has to hunt for Sam and live with him. The trilogy is more about frightful perspective on the mountain. Sam’s sister joins him and something happens to his beloved falcon.

The story only gets better in the sequel. You will be entertained throughout the whole book. If you haven’t read this book, I strongly recommend you do. Jean Craighead has truly written the perfect. Everything he does I would do, hunt, fish, build a house out of a tree. I just feel like I relate to him so much. I think I would play the part of Sam Gribley, the wilderness boy.

I wish they would make a movie for this movie. I would recommend this book to people who love the wilderness, and an adventure. Every line on every page kept me reading. Sam has taught her to hunt for smaller animals, such as rabbits, squirrels, birds, even some snakes. Frightful is a falcon that Sam took from a nest and raised himself. I don’t have a least favorite character, but I do have another favorite, Frightful. I feel like I am him in real life, I want to run away and live in the mountains somewhere. My favorite character is Sam Gribley, the boy who has run away. He has heard stories of an old family member who used to live in these mountains. It’s about a boy who runs away from home and goes to live in the Catskill Mountains. I felt like I could relate to it so much. My Side of the Mountain was an excellent book.